Thursday, January 12, 2012

De-stress and stay healthy

We're halfway through winter term here at Mercyhurst and the feeling of stress across campus is palpable. Midterms can be an especially stressful time for students when they are taking their exams and starting to get into a heavy workload. The combination of stress, a busy schedule and the cold weather can easily lead to getting sick. As dancers it's especially important that we stay healthy so that we can put our best effort into class and rehearsal. January and February is also audition season and dancers want to be in their best form, so remembering to stay healthy and de-stress is vital. Here are some tips for staying healthy and happy:

1.Get enough sleep! Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep to function at their best.

2.Eat well balanced healthy meals. Eating a lot of simple carbs, sugar and chugging that coffee in the morning won't help your energy level. By the time 3pm rolls around you'll be ready to crash. Eating a good breakfast of fruit and whole grains and a well balanced lunch with some veggies and protein will provide you with the energy and nutrients you need to get through the day.

3. Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated and drinking enough water throughout the day will help prevent headaches and fatigue.

4.De-stress. If everything seems too overwhelming take some time to relax. Take a yoga class, listen to music, go for a walk or take 10 minutes to stop what you're doing and close your eyes and take some deep breaths.

5. Have fun! Everything doesn't have to be about work or school or dance. Take some time for yourself and have fun, whether it's going out with some friends, reading a good book or watching a funny movie.

"To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."

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